About Us

St. Therese Catholic School CORE BELIEFS

  1. Pursuing Truth

We pursue Truth in all things, engaging with the world as a disciple of Jesus Christ and as a life-long learner.

At St. Therese Catholic School, we believe the pursuit of Truth through academic study should serve a deeper purpose than simply being able to pass a test; rather, our school is committed to form students who pursue life-long learning as the means to constantly encounter and embrace the Truth in Christ Jesus the source of all life and salvation.

Students at St. Therese are immersed in the study of classic works of literature, from The Tale of Peter Rabbit in 2nd grade to The Iliad in 8th grade.

An integrated curriculum helps students see connections from one subject to the next, as well as fostering a deep exploration of essential questions and themes.

The study of math and science assist students in seeing the ordered creation of God and the beauty that exists within this order.

Catechesis and theology classes foster a love of Jesus Christ and His Church and help students realize their own call to live, love and share the Catholic faith with others.

St. Therese students achieve significant academic growth when compared to other Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Denver; however, the end goal is not a test – it is Heaven!

2. Honoring Beauty

We will honor beauty within ourselves, others, and all things, always seeking to create beautiful work and to serve as a steward of God’s magnificent creation.

At St. Therese, we seek to foster a love of beauty, both for God’s creation and for the work we create.

Weekly art, music, and P.E. classes foster talent and creativity as partners in God’s creation.

Latin instruction in 2nd-8th grade provides students with appreciation and understanding of the structure of language.

Study of St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body develops a desire to fully live God’s plan for each of our lives.

The Ora Et Labora Student Showcase, hosted three times a year, allows students to share the fruit of their prayer and work with their family and friends.

3. Loving What Is Good

We will love what is good, reject all that is evil, and pursue the common good for the body of Christ.

Students at St. Therese are provided with the necessary moral formation to grow and thrive in their humanity, despite the surrounding confusing and relativistic society.  Their moral compass is directed towards the end for which we were all made — God Himself.

Students engage in service opportunities with The Little Flower Center, Bessie’s Hope, Christ in the City and other charitable organizations.

Students demonstrate their public witness of the Catholic faith through Rosary Walks around the school neighborhood and by praying and celebrating Mass at Planned Parenthood twice a year during Advent and Lent.

The school’s Core Beliefs provide direction for how to treat others as fellow members of the Body of Christ.

Discussion about literary characters, important historical figures, and Catholic saints center on the virtues necessary to live a life of goodness.

As one of the most diverse Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Denver, we serve all members of the Body of Christ.

4. Striving for Union with God

We will strive for union with God and with our neighbor, growing in friendship with the Lord through obedience, humility, and grace.

Union with God is our goal in everything we do.  In our learning and in our prayer, we seek discipleship with Jesus Christ, loving our neighbor out of love for God.

Most Students participate at Holy Mass once, if not twice a week in order to grow in their love for Jesus Christ, truly present in the Eucharist. Students also attend Adoration and Confession throughout the year.

Sacramental preparation is completed at school: First Reconciliation in 2nd grade and First Eucharist & Confirmation in 3rd grade. New students who join in any other grade can be formed by their own homeroom teacher in order to receive the sacraments.

Daily catechesis and theology classes teach and reinforce the tenets of the Catholic faith and how it can be lived out most fully.

Special days throughout the year focus especially on the saving works of God through His saints, angels and virtuous men and women.

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